I have replaced my old lamp with a LED lamp. What is my saving in terms of energy consumption?
It is not possible to state a general energy saving due to the use of LED lamps, since this depends upon a number of factors. What is the wattage of your previous lighting, how many lamps have you replaced, how long do the lamps burn? You can use our energy consumption calculator to calculate your saving exactly. The calculator also shows after how many hours the LED lamp has paid for itself.
What is the energy consumption of a LED lamp?
The energy consumption of LED lamps is specified on the energy label, underlined by the pink arrow in this example. You will find the physical label on the packaging or in digital form.
This specifies the consumption of the lamp in kilowatt hours (kWh) per 1,000 burning hours. As a comparison: an average household in the Netherlands consumed approx. 3,300 kWh in 2010.
Energy saving through LED lamps
Most of the time, the energy consumption of a LED lamp is considerably lower than that of a halogen lamp or incandescent lamp. And this is how LED lamps can achieve an energy saving of as much as 80%; the exact saving depends on several factors. To calculate your energy saving through the use of LED lamps, doing the test is the best approach.
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