Possible compatibility issues ODIDO Zyxel Wi-Fi routers

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We have been informed of possible compatibility issues when connecting Smart-home devices to Odido's Zyxel T56 Wi-Fi router. It seems that this issue occurs specifically with users of this router. However, customers connected to other ISPs or using other routers are not reporting these problems.

We would like to underline that the issue is probably on the side of Odido. Therefore, we encourage you to raise any issues directly with Odido, as we are unable to effectively remedy this situation.

Calex remains committed to achieving seamless integration into diverse network environments to ensure a solid user experience, however we do not always have influence on changes and settings made by an (internet) provider.

Odido has a solution available for the Wi-Fi problem that some 2.4GHz Wi-Fi smart devices are experiencing with the standard Odido Wi-Fi router. Odido's solution comes in the form of a Wi-Fi amplifier called Wi-Fi Plus. This amplifier also increases range and improves Wi-Fi signal stability, which also reduces or eliminates connection problems. By using the Wi-Fi Plus amplifier, users can enjoy a more reliable and powerful Wi-Fi connection for their smart devices. For more information, please visit Odido's website: https://www.odido.nl/internet/wifi-plus

For further updates regarding this problem or other related issues, we encourage you to visit Odido's community forum or contact Odido's support services by phone at 0800-0092.

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