My Smart device is not connecting to Wi-Fi

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The Smart device must be connected to your network to enjoy the "smartness" of the device, such as integration into your virtual assistant for voice control, remote control or control from the Smart app. It can be frustrating when the Smart device does not connect to your Wi-Fi network.

Don't give up on your new acquisition because this article is here to help you identify and solve the Smart device's connection problem.


Why is my Smart device not connecting to Wi-Fi?

Smart devices do not connect to your network when you are using a 5 GHz Wi-Fi network or because the Smart device is too far away from the router. When setting up Smart devices, use the compatible 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi band, disable VPN on your smartphone and make sure the lamp is within range of your network.

Make sure the smartphone you use to set up the lamp is connected to the same Wi-Fi network. This will allow the app to quickly discover and connect to new devices on your network.

Before you begin installation, check that your network and devices meet this checklist:

  1. Connect the Smart device to the 2.4GHz Wi-Fi network. Like most Smart home products, Smart devices only support the 2.4GHz Wi-Fi frequency band.
  2. Disable Virtual Private Network (VPN), Adblocker or AdGuard on your device.
  3. Make sure the Smart device is within range of your Wi-Fi network.
  4. Allow necessary permissions when installing your app. The Smart app needs permission for location and Bluetooth to access devices on your network.
  5. Make sure the smart device is in pairing mode when you pair it with the app.

Did you skip any of these steps in your installation process? Let's move on to the next step for a detailed analysis and solutions to the connection problem.



In order for your Smart device to connect to your home network, you need to investigate to identify and fix the source of the problem.


Check your router's Wi-Fi settings

Newer router models can broadcast 2.4 and 5 GHz on single or separate Wi-Fi SSIDs (the name of the Wi-Fi network). If your model offers separate SSIDs, create different names and passwords for the two networks and connect your Smart device to the 2.4 GHz option.

On the other hand, if your router has both networks on one SSID, disable the 5 GHz option on your router's management panel. Once you pair the Smart devices, you can turn the 5 GHz option back on.

To log into your router's management panel, look up the default IP address and password. Often these are listed on the bottom of the router. On a connected device, type in the IP address and hit enter. Log in using the default username and password to change settings.

Also, make sure the network security encryption is set to WPA or WPA2 and the authorization type is set to WPA2-PSK/WPA. Wi-Fi mode should be set to "802.11 b/g/n.

Finally, check the MAC address filtering setting. This may block the authorization of devices to your network.

Once you have made and saved changes to the router, restart the router to apply them. Unplug the router, wait 20 - 30 seconds and reconnect the router to power.

Give the router time to boot up and initialize your Wi-Fi network, this may take a few minutes. Then test if your Wi-Fi is working and try adding a Smart device through your Smart app.


Click here for more information on the necessary Wi-Fi settings.


Disable your VPN

If you have an active VPN on your smartphone, disable it when you connect your Smart device to your Wi-Fi network.

The VPN masks your smartphone's IP address and does not detect new devices connecting to the router.

Disable the VPN and restart your smartphone to renew your network connection. Once your smartphone is restarted, try connecting the Smart device on new.

Again, an Adblocker or AdGuard can have the same effect as a VPN. If you have an AdGuard on your smartphone, temporarily disable it to link your Smart device to your Smart app.


Bring your Smart device closer

Your Smart device must be within range of the Wi-Fi network signal.

If your Smart device is too far away from your router during the setup process, it may receive a weak signal and there are chances that the Smart app will not be able to successfully locate and initialize it.

So move your Smart device closer to the router and try connecting it again.

If your home has weak network areas, consider upgrading to a mesh topology network or purchasing an additional Wi-Fi access point. This will allow you to spread the network signal evenly.

Smart devices require a strong and stable Internet connection. To address the "my device keeps disconnecting" problem, make sure your home network is in good shape.


Reset your Smart device and pair again

When you go to pair a Smart device, make sure it is in pairing mode. With a Smart lamp, pairing mode is indicated by the lamp flashing. With other Smart devices, pairing mode is indicated by the flashing of a small light on the device. Reset your Smart device to enable pairing mode.

The reset procedure for various Smart devices revolves around successively turning on and off a preset number of times or holding down the reset button or pinhole on the device.

Smart lamp:

To reset a Smart lamp, connect the lamp to a standard fixture. From the ON position, turn the lamp OFF for about 5 seconds and then ON, OFF, ON, OFF, ON. If the lamp now flashes, the pairing mode is active.

Other Smart Device:
To reset another Smart device such as a camera, for example, press the reset button or pinhole for about 5 seconds until the light on the device flashes or the device makes a sound.

Open the Smart app > Tap the "+" icon to add a new device > choose the appropriate category > Select your device > Tap the "Confirm indicator is flashing" button > Select status > Choose your 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi network and enter the correct password > Let the Smart app find and initialize your device.
Once your Smart device is found, you can optionally change the name here and assign the space where you will use the smart device.


Pair your Smart device via AP mode

AP mode allows you to connect to the device's hotspot, unlike the standard EZ mode.

In AP mode, you have to go to the Wi-Fi settings of your phone to connect to the device's network. This is after entering your Wi-Fi credentials. The Smart app prompts you to go to your phone's settings, connect to the device's network and return to the Smart app to complete the process.

For Calex Smart products, it looks like this:

  • Connect to the Smart device's hotspot.
  • Tap the "Go to Settings" button to open your phone settings and connect to the "SmartLife-XXXX" network.
  • Return to the Smart app after connecting.

If you can see your Smart device's hotspot in your phone's settings, your Smart device is fine. You should now be able to add the Smart device to the app.

Click here for more information on how to activate AP mode


Key Notes

When you want to add Smart devices to your home network, pay attention to the following:

  • Set your Smart devices to a 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi network, as the 5 GHz band is not supported.
  • Disable the VPN on your smartphone.
  • Disable Adblocker or AdGuard during the installation process.
  • Make sure the Smart device is within range of your Wi-Fi network.

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