To set off the Calex Smart Siren when motion is detected, you can use the Calex Smart Motion Sensor. You do this by setting up a Smart Automation in which both devices are linked together. Here is a step-by-step description of how to do this:
Creating a Smart Automation is done in the Smart tab by tapping the (+) symbol at the top right.
You can delete an incorrectly entered rule by sliding it to the left.
- Choose 'When device status changes
- Select the PIR Sensor here
- PIR status = ALARM
- Press (+)
- Control single device
- Select the siren
Select alarm status (light/sound alarm)
Turn the alarm switch ON
- Tap Next at the top right
- Press (+)
- Choose the Delay option
- Set the time after which the siren should switch off (in this example we choose 5 seconds)
- Tap Next in the top right corner
- (+) press
- Control single device
- Select the siren
- Turn the alarm switch OFF
- Confirm the selection
- Tap Next in the top right corner
- Tap Confirm at top right and name the automation scene
- Turn on the automation scene
See also this image as the scene looks in the Calex App:
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