Calex Smart Bulbs

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Getting started
Before you start adding this CALEX SMART product, write down the name and password, including spaces and capital letters, of your Wi-Fi network. Make sure you have a strong Wi-Fi signal.
Note: This item only works on a 2.4GHz Wi-Fi network, not on a 5GHz Wi-Fi network. If you get a message that the product only works on 2.4 GHz networks, then you need to change your network's Wi-Fi frequency to 2.4 GHz in the settings menu of the router. Click here for an overview of the required Wi-Fi settings.
Please refer to your router manual or contact your internet provider for help on how to change settings.

Adding the CALEX SMART product to the Calex App

Download the Calex Smart app from the Google Play Store or the Apple Store. Click on the one of the logo's below while viewing this page on your phone. You can also scan the QR code found on the packaging with your phone.

google_play_logo_white.svg   Apple App Store badge_White.svg

Open the app. Are you using the app for the first time? Then follow the instructions on the screen to create your account.


Follow these instructions for adding your device.


Reset procedure

You may need to reset the product first. Click here for the reset instruction.


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