Firmware update Outdoor lamps

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To update the firmware for Outdoor Mesh products we recommend you to read this article carefully before you start.

The update must be done via Bluetooth and the Smartphone must be at a short distance (1 to 2 meters) from the lamp. The update takes about 3.5 minutes per lamp. Keep the update screen on your phone active while updating the firmware.

If you want to check what the current firmware of the lamp is, you can do so from the Calex App:

  • Start in the 'Home' tab
  • Tap the device in question to open its control screen
  • Tap the 3 dots (...) or the pencil symbol Potlood in the upper right corner
  • At the bottom, tap 'Check for firmware upgrade'
  • The screen that opens shows the current firmware version (Vx.x)
  • Tap the arrow (<) in the upper left corner 3 times in a row to return to the 'Home' tab


If a new Firmware update is available you will receive a dialogue notification in your Calex App on your smartphone indicating this for the Bluetooth Mesh lamp in question.

This notification usually comes with added information about the resolved issues or improvements the update brings.



To perform the update you need to observe the following points:

  • Make sure your smartphone has sufficient battery power before starting the update
  • Make sure you are within a range of 1 to 5 meters (preferably 2 meters) of the Bluetooth Mesh lamp
  • Complete update per lamp (1 at a time)


Selecting the "Update Now" option in the dialog prompt will automatically redirect you to the screen below:


In this screen, choose the option 'Update', then a new dialog message may be displayed alerting you that the update may take some time. Then in this dialog message, choose the option 'Start Update'.


A progress bar will be displayed during the update. Leave this screen active and do not close it until the update is successfully completed.



Once the update is successfully completed, the Calex App will return to the control screen of your Bluetooth Mesh lamp.

After the update is performed, it may take some time for your lamp to fully recover within the Bluetooth Mesh network.

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