How to connect Calex Smart app to Google Home

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To control your Calex Smart devices via the Google Assistant, the Calex Smart App must be paired with Google Home.

Make sure you have Google Home installed on your phone,
it can be recognised by this icon:
Google Home Logo.png
Download Google Home for IOS or ANDROID.

In the steps below, we'll explain how to make the connection:


Open the Google Home app and choose settings at the bottom right and then 'Add'. Next, choose the 'Service' option


Then choose the option 'Works with Google'


Then select the magnifying glass on the top right of the screen, search for 'Calex Smart'. And then select the service 'Calex Smart'


Now enter your Calex Smart app email address and select 'Next Step'. Then enter your Calex Smart app password and select 'Next Step' again.


If you have entered your Calex Smart app username and password correctly the next screen follows, here choose 'Authorize' and confirm the link with the Calex Smart app.


If all went well, the pairing with Google Home is now complete. If you have already added Calex Smart devices to the Calex Smart app, which are suitable for operation via Google Home, you can now pair them.



If you have set a different browser on your phone as the default internet browser (Android Chrome / Apple Safari), the authorisation may fail. In this case, we advise you to restore the default internet browser and re-execute the link.

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