Reset Calex Video Doorbell (12V-1A version 429270)

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This instruction applies to the Video Doorbell with part number: 429270

To reset and reconnect the Calex Video Doorbell to Calex App,
follow the steps below:


Reset 429270.jpg

  • Press the reset button by means of the supplied pin (carefully) for 5 sec until you hear a sound
  • After reset the doorbell blinks red > Doorbell is in pairing mode and
    wait for 1) Bluetooth inclusion mode* or 2) QR code
  • During red flashing, click + symbol (add) in the Calex App
  • Add device (The Video Doorbell stops flashing red when device and phone and 2,4 Ghz wifi network
    have found each other, this can take a while, be patient)
  • Blue flashing = activating pairing with phone
  • Blue continuous on = found and ready to add to the app by clicking ADD

Always check that the doorbell camera has been added to the main menu, it may happen that the pairing process does not seem to go well even though the camera has been added.

* During 'Bluetooth inclusion mode', the wifi settings (username and password) are transferred
are automatically sent to the device from the Calex App.

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